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Fetches NFT metadata from a URL#

This hook makes a request to fetch metadata from an NFT's metadataURI.

Most metadata servers allow for remote JSON fetches, however, there is a chance this request could fail. Requests are set with a 10 second timeout to allow showing the user an error message instead of an indefinite loader.


The same information can be fetched using the base MediaFetchAgent for server-side or non-React use.


Pass in the metadata URL to fetch the NFT data:

/** * @param uri URI of metadata to fetch * @returns @type useNFTMetadataType */export function useNFTMetadata(  uri?: string,)

Response Shape#

type useNFTMetadataType = {  error?: string // Error: can be thrown from invalid json, unparsable json, network request failure, network request timeout  loading?: boolean // Easy indicator to determine if the NFT metadata is loading. Same as (!metadata && !error).  metadata?: any // Raw metadata based on the URI passed in}

Code Example#

import { useNFTMetadata } from '@zoralabs/nft-hooks'
const MediaDataDisplay = ({ uri: string }) => {  const { error, metadata } = useNFTMetadata(uri)
  if (metadata) {    return (      <div>        <h2>Name: {}</h2>        <p>{metadata.description}</p>      </div>    )  }
  if (error) {    return <div>Error loading metadata</div>  }  return <div>metadata loading...</div>}


Alternatively, the same information can be fetched using the base MediaFetchAgent for server-side or non-React use.

import { MediaFetchAgent, Networks } from '@zoralabs/nft-hooks'
// Be careful making multiple instances of the fetch agent// Each instance contains a different request cache.const fetchAgent = new MediaFetchAgent(Networks.MAINNET)
// Get result from the serverconst result = await fetchAgent.fetchIPFSMetadata('')// result type is {metadata}