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@zoralabs/protocol-sdk Changelog


Minor Changes

  • fc4a7f65: Support viewing and withdrawing protocol rewards and secondary royalties balances from the sdk, using the new methods getRewardsBalances and withdrawRewards.


Patch Changes

  • 24520e9a: Fix sdk setSale for v2 params
  • Updated dependencies 247ebc86
  • Updated dependencies 24520e9a
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.3.2


Patch Changes

  • 879a019a: - Fixed types, defaults, and queries for v2 timed sales


Patch Changes

  • b9fcab20: Removed unneeded async in token setup
  • Updated dependencies d221894d
  • Updated dependencies f94e5f03
  • Updated dependencies 1b4d5ee7
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.3.1


Patch Changes

  • c75eb65b: Fix bug where for timed sale strategy, sales settings were not being set. For getting default erc20 name, get it from the contract name instead of fetching from ipfs.


Patch Changes

  • 5f964909: To speed up performance for create1155OnExistingContract, use subgraph to get contract info and reduce quantity of rpc reads.


Patch Changes

  • f40c4a8f: create1155 and create1155OnExistingContract return an async prepareMint function, enabling to mint right after creating without needing to rely on the subgraph.


Minor Changes

  • 8c50a99c: Add support for creating 1155s and collecting using the new ZoraTimedSaleStrategy. Default to using the new ZoraTimedSaleStrategy as a minter for new 1155s.

Patch Changes

  • 47c20f4d: - Added support for allowlist mint creation and collection
    • For creating an erc20 mint, the parameter type must be set to erc20Mint on the token.salesConfig object


Minor Changes

  • 5417f4dd: ProtocolSdk create1155 can only be used for new contracts, and returns the correct deterministic contract address. A new function create1155OnExistingContract is added to support creating 1155 tokens on existing contracts


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies 58f59243
  • Updated dependencies b5a7fac4
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.3.0


Patch Changes

  • 12909b5b: Renamed Mints to Sparks
  • Updated dependencies 12909b5b
  • Updated dependencies 58914a0c
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.2.2


Patch Changes

  • 527aa518: Move from yarn to pnpm properly pinning deps packages
  • Updated dependencies 527aa518
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.2.1


Patch Changes

  • 898c84a7: [chore] Update dependencies and runtime scripts

    This ensures jobs do not match binary names to make runs less ambigious and also that all deps are accounted for.

  • Updated dependencies 898c84a7

  • Updated dependencies 0ec838a4

  • Updated dependencies e0b5074d

    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.2.0


Patch Changes

  • cd5ac235: protocol sdk gets mint price from the default mint price entity on the subgraph


Patch Changes

  • 5c009569: Added metadata builder methods to sdk. sdk's method createPremint returns collect/manage urls


Minor Changes

  • f52f28f3: Added methods to Collector Client: getToken, getTokensOfContract


Minor Changes

  • 8c23f05b: - new high-level sdks: createCreatorClient and createCollectorClient. createPremintClient, createMintClient, create1155CreatorClient, and createPremintClient are removed.
    • external apis, such as the premint api can be stubbed/replaced/mocked.
    • new function mint on the collector sdk that works with 1155, premint, and 721s.
    • create1155 now supports creating erc20, free, and paid mints. Setup actions now mimic what's on

Patch Changes

  • b0f0fb74: premintClient - fix default mint duration to be unlimited (it was one week before)


Patch Changes

  • b16078bc:
    • premintClient now supports creating/minting premints with additional admins.
    • premint client supports creating premints with just a collection address, as long as the premint has been brought onchain
  • 502f3295: premint sdk - on createPremint, payoutRecipient argument moved to tokenCreationConfig. premintConfigVersion is no longer an argument; the sdk automatically figures out which is the appropriate version
  • Updated dependencies 9cdd81ac
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.1.13


Patch Changes

  • 12387133: create1155CreatorClient requires chain to be passed as a default argument instead of a publicClient
  • Updated dependencies 7af9c4db
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.1.12


Patch Changes

  • 888168b8: Fix protocol-sdk to point to isAuthorizedToCreatePremint
  • 344f452b: Add support for ERC-20 minting on 1155s using ERC20 minters within the function makePrepareMintTokenParams.


Patch Changes

  • 1a4aa02d: Remove graphql-request library and add base sepolia
  • Updated dependencies 399ba552
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.1.11


Patch Changes

  • 16deff0c: Moved typed data definitions from protocol-sdk to protocol-deployments
  • Updated dependencies 16deff0c
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.1.10


Patch Changes

  • e2452f7d: Removed zora-1155-contracts, 1155-deployments, mints-contracts, and mints-deployments from devDependencies hierarchy.


Patch Changes

  • 8e514b7: Cleanup protocol-sdk to have better docs around all methods, and remove methods that do not need to be exported and are not used.
  • 598a95b: Bumps protocol-sdk to use viem@2.x- see the viem 2.X.X migration guide for breaking changes when migratring from viem 1.X.X to 2.X.X
  • Updated dependencies [8e514b7]
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.1.8


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [9a16b81]
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.1.6


Patch Changes

  • 825e5f7: Adds optional createReferral to createNew1155Token params


Patch Changes

  • 50a4e09: Added sdk method to get total MINT balance
  • Updated dependencies [042edbe]
  • Updated dependencies [50a4e09]
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.1.5


Patch Changes

  • 2eda168: Update default premint version to v2
  • 4066420: Adding protocol SDK to base and sepolia networks
  • Updated dependencies [bb163d3]
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.1.3


Patch Changes

  • 52b16aa: Publishing package in format that supports commonjs imports by specifying exports
  • Updated dependencies [52b16aa]
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.1.2


Patch Changes

  • 8a87809: Undo changes to package export because it didn't properly bundle all files in dist


Patch Changes

  • 9710e5e: Defining exports in protocol-sdk


Patch Changes

  • a07499d: Allows an Account object to be passed for signTypedData compatiblity with Local Accounts


Patch Changes

  • 5c536dc: Update optimism eth constant
  • Updated dependencies [f3332ee]
  • Updated dependencies [d2085fd]
  • Updated dependencies [a51a0cb]
    • @zoralabs/1155-deployments@0.0.13


Patch Changes

  • 73070c0:
    • Fix types export - make sure that types are exported to the correct directory. Broken by commit 627f8c37716f0b5c201f75ab1d025ae878be0ae29e7a269d21185fa04e4bcf93
    • Exclude tests from built bundle
    • Fixes #396


Minor Changes

  • a52d245: Fix premint v2 support in premint client and add support for sepolia to SDK:

    • Fix chain constants config for Zora Goerli.
    • Support Zora-Sepolia for premint client.
    • Fix passing of config_version to and from the backend API.
    • Change parameter on makeMintParameters from account to minterAccount.
    • Fix price minter address for premint client by chain, since it is not the same on all chains (yet).

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [3af77cf]
  • Updated dependencies [23dba1c]
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.0.12


Patch Changes

  • 92b1b0e: Export premint conversions


Patch Changes

  • 9b03ed2: Support premint v2 in sdk
  • Updated dependencies [bff853a]
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.0.11


Patch Changes

  • 7e00197: * For premintV1 and V2 - mintReferrer has been changed to an array mintRewardsRecipients - which the first element in array is mintReferral, and second element is platformReferral. platformReferral is not used by the premint contract yet.
  • 0ceb709: Add mint costs getter for premint to protocol sdk
  • Updated dependencies [5156b9e]
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.0.9


Minor Changes

  • 28884c9: * PremintClient now takes a premint config v1 or v2, and a premint config version, for every call to create/update/delete a premint. PremintClient methods have been simplified and are easier to use - for example createPremint no longer allows to specify deleted = true. For makeMintParameters - it now just takes the uid and contract address (instead of full premint config)
    • PremintAPIClient now converts entities to contract entities before returning them, and correspondingly expects them as contract entities when passed in. It internally converts them to backend entities before sending them to the backend.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [4b77307]
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.0.8


Patch Changes

  • 7eb5e3f: ### Changes to preminter

    lower level preminter.ts now supports premint v2 by defining v2 typed data defintions.

    • isValidSignature now takes either v1 or v2 of a premint config, along with the premint config version. and both recovers the signer address and validates if the signer can create a premint on the given contract.
    • new function premintTypedDataDefinition which takes a premint config version and returns the signable typed data definition for that version
    • new function recoverCreatorFromCreatorAttribution which recovers the creator address from a CreatorAttribution event
    • new function supportsPremintVersion which checks if a given token contract supports a given premint config version
    • new function tryRecoverPremintSigner which takes a premint config version and a premint signature, and tries to recover the signer address from the signature. If the signature is invalid, it returns undefined.

    Changes to PremintClient

    PremintClient creation, updating, and deletion now take both premint config v1 and v2, but currently rejects them until the backend api supports creating v2 premints.

    • isValidSignature now just takes the data directly as a param, instead of {data}
  • 27a2e23: Fix reading the FIXED_PRICE_MINTER from the subgraph


Patch Changes

  • ea27f01: Fix reading the FIXED_PRICE_MINTER from the subgraph


Patch Changes

  • 97f58b3: MintAPIClient is now a class, that takes a chain id and httpClient in the constructor, enabling the httpClient methods fetch, post, and retries to be overridden.

    new methods on MintAPIClient:

    getMintableForToken - takes a token id and token contract address and returns the mintable for it. Easier to use for fetching specific tokens than getMintable.

    MintClient now takes the optional PublicClient in the constructor instead of in each function, and stores it or creates a default one if none is provided in the constructor. It also takes an optional httpClient param in the constructor, allowing the fetch, post, and retries methods to be overridden when using the api. It now internally creates the MintAPIClient.

    MintClient.makePrepareMintTokenParams has the following changes:

    • returns a SimulateContractParams, instead of an object containing it indexed by key
    • no longer takes a PublicClient as an argument (it should be specified in the constructor instead)

    new function MintClient.getMintCosts takes a mintable and quantity to mint and returns the mintFee, paidMintPrice, and totalCost.

  • d02484e: premintClient can have http methods overridable via DI, and now takes publicClient and http overrides in createPremintClient function. it no longer takes publicClient as an argument in functions, and rather uses them from the constructor. executePremint has been renamed ot makeMintParameters


Patch Changes

  • de0b0b7: preminter exposes new function isValidSignatureV1 that recovers a signer from a signed premint and determines if that signer is authorized to sign
  • Updated dependencies [f3b7df8]
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.0.6


Patch Changes

  • 92da3ed: Exporting mint client
  • Updated dependencies [293e2c0]
    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.0.5


Minor Changes

  • 40e0b32:
    • rename premint-sdk to protocol-sdk
    • added minting sdk, usable with createMintClient
    • added 1155 creation sdk, usable with create1155CreatorClient
    • premint sdk is now useable with createPremintClient


Patch Changes

  • b62e471: created new package protocol-deployments that includes the deployed contract addresses.

    • 1155-contracts js no longer exports deployed addresses, just the abis
    • premint-sdk imports deployed addresses from `protocol-deployments
  • Updated dependencies [4d79b49]

  • Updated dependencies [b62e471]

  • Updated dependencies [7d1a4c1]

    • @zoralabs/protocol-deployments@0.0.2


Minor Changes

  • 4afa879: Added new premint api that abstracts out calls to the chain signature and submission logic around submitting a premint. This change also incorporates test helpers for premints and introduces docs and an api client for the zora api's premint module.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [4afa879]
    • @zoralabs/zora-1155-contracts@2.3.0


Patch Changes

  • c29e080: Update retry and error reporting


Patch Changes

  • 6eaf7bb: add retries


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [8395b8e]
  • Updated dependencies [aae756b]
  • Updated dependencies [cf184b3]
    • @zoralabs/zora-1155-contracts@2.1.1-premint-api.0