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Creating a Token

Calling setupNewTokenWithCreateReferral on a deployed 1155 contract will create a new token. In addition, by passing in your address as the createReferral will yield you rewards from those mints. All tokens start at tokenId 1 and increment up. tokenId 0 is reserved for the contract information. maxSupply should be set to MAX_INT for an open edition.

View source code here.

function setupNewTokenWithCreateReferral(    string calldata newURI,    uint256 maxSupply,    address createReferral) public onlyAdminOrRole(CONTRACT_BASE_ID, PERMISSION_BIT_MINTER) nonReentrant returns (uint256)

Updating Metadata#

updateTokenURI updates the token URI for a token. Won't work for tokenId 0 since that is reserved for the contract level information.

function updateTokenURI(    uint256 tokenId,     string memory _newURI)

Updates the contract metadata.

function updateContractMetadata(    string memory _newURI,     string memory _newName)